

Ok. So I think I am officially losing it.

Ok. So I think I am officially losing it. Tonight I starred having a
conversation with myself about stuff. Lots of things actually. I
talked about my issues with brent, my penis issues, how I want to lose
weight and how I didn't go to the freakin gym for 45 mins today to get
up and eat a bowl of frosted flakes!! I swear to god. Sometimes I wish
I could just shut my brain up. Maybe I should be on medication...maybe
I should go to the doctor or the therapist. But I don't know that I
really have anything to talk to him about other then the break up I
guess... I have some self esteem issues, but I'm tryingto work on
them. I guess I just feel like im not good enough for some people, but
why do I care about those people? They don't mean shit to me. I barely
even know most of the people who I wish would call me to hang out. I
think I'm just jealous is what it is, like usual. I really do need to
work on that because its getting old really fast. I'm ready to love me
for me and I'm tired of trying to make everyone else happy! So why am
I sitting here in bed on my iPhone instead of trying to do something
about it? Oh yeah! Its freakin 12am! ::sigh:: what a cry baby I am lol.

Sent from my iPhone


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